My name is Maria Burke, I attended MCHVF from 1999-2002. I am a mental health family therapist currently living in Denver, CO.
I have such clear memories of the day-to-day at “Montessori Children’s House of Valley Forge, PA” (I still remember the song). The special attention and constant, calm support of the teachers, the yoga classes, Spanish lessons, the parent & grandparent nights, the visitors who would come to class to teach about the culture of another country or bring live animals for us to see and feel. I remember my teacher, Miss Brit, teaching us at recess that the mint that was growing in the herb garden was edible, and encouraging us to try it. Up until that point my understanding of plants growing outside was that we do not eat them; I now have a garden at my home in Denver where I grow vegetables, fruits, and mint each year.
I have a memory of a time in which I got into a conflict with another student because I was working with a friend on the longest chain set and another student wanted to join. I was being exclusive, telling her that she wasn’t allowed to join us in completing it. I remember a teacher calmly supporting with conflict resolution and helping me to see that I wouldn’t like it if someone else was excluding me. I now teach conflict resolution skills to families in the greater-Denver area as a family therapist.
One of my internships while I was in graduate school to earn my Master of Social Work degree was at an elementary school which utilized experiential learning in order to engage and teach students. I saw how effective this approach was in allowing students to learn for themselves at their own pace without fear of stating a “wrong answer.” This reminded me so much of my time at MCHVF. I feel so lucky to have received a Montessori education as a young child and firmly believe that the supportive, creative, and limitless learning environment at MCHVF had a significant positive impact on me, my interests, and how I approach my work with clients today.